Divorcing Spirit Husbands & Spirit Wives

Spirit husbands and spirit wives—incubus and succubus—are tormenting believers all over the world. Some debunk the reality of these nocturnal sex demons, but if you’ve experienced an attack you know it’s real.

The question is, how do we stop it—and for good?

In this six-part series, I’ll teach you: 

-The Dark Realm of Spirit Husbands & Wives
  -Wicked Agendas of Spirit Spouses
  -How Demons “Marry” Humans?
  -Discerning Spirit Marriages & Covenants
  -Divorcing Spirit Wives & Husbands
  -Guarding Against Remarriage

Many are too embarrassed to ask their pastors for help with this sort of attack. This course will answer your questions and help you break free from these shameful, violent sexual polluters.

Divorcing Spirit Husbands and Spirit Wives

Here Are the Class Titles in This Course:

  1. The Dark Reality of Spirit Spouses

  2. The Dark Agenda of Spirit Spouses

  3. How Demons Marry Humans

  4. Discerning Spirit Marriages & Covenants

  5. Divorcing Incubus & Succubus

  6. Guarding Against Remarriage

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 6 hours of video content
  • 6 Classes


These classes are ready for you to watch now, as many times as you want.