I want to help you uncover and confront Jezebel’s sneaky manipulations before they infiltrate your life.
Have you ever felt a subtle, unsettling influence creeping into your life—an influence that seeks to control, manipulate, and derail your destiny? The spirit of Jezebel is a master at weaving its way into relationships, churches, and ministries, sowing division, control, and spiritual destruction. And the worst part? It often goes undetected.
I want to help you uncover and confront Jezebel’s sneaky manipulations before they infiltrate your life. This spirit doesn’t always come charging in like a lion. It slithers in quietly—trying to gain a foothold where it doesn't belong. It aims to twist the truth, control your decisions, and ultimately destroy your spiritual authority.
Through years of spiritual warfare and prophetic insight, I’ve encountered this spirit time and time again. And let me tell you: it’s one of the most deceptive forces in the spiritual realm. But here’s the good news—once you expose Jezebel’s tactics, you can defeat them every time.
It’s time to rise up, expose the enemy, and walk in freedom! The enemy that operates in darkness is no match for the light of truth. As I always say, an enemy exposed is an enemy defeated.
Don’t let Jezebel rob you of your destiny. Join me in this powerful teaching and learn how to discern this spirit once and for all. You were called to walk in victory, not under the thumb of manipulation.
Sign up today and take the first step toward freedom and breakthrough!
Here are the session titles for this course:
Sow a seed. Reap a harvest.