This dream, given to me three years ago, is shocking and has profound implications for spiritual warfare.
I’m revealing a prophetic dream that I’ve never shared publicly before—until now. This dream, given to me three years ago, is shocking and has profound implications for spiritual warfare.
I first shared it in my book Decoding the Mysteries of Heaven’s War Room, but now I’ve written a follow-up, Jezebel’s Revenge: Annihilating the Spirit of Adelaide, dedicated to the revelation from this dream.
The spirit of Athalia—more wicked than Jezebel—has infiltrated the church. In this dream, I saw Christians deceived, trapped in a false camp of the prophetic movement. The vision exposes the rise of this dangerous spirit, and the urgent need to resist it.
I’m not holding back this revelation. You can read about the full dream and interpretation in both books, but I'm sharing the key details with you now to equip you in spiritual warfare. It's time to expose the enemy and walk in total victory.
Get the books today and join the movement to annihilate the spirit of Athaliah.
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Sow a seed. Reap a harvest.