Whether you’re contending for healing in your own body or seeking to equip yourself for the healing ministry, this school will give you the tools and impartation you need to walk in victory.

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of raising up healing ministers who are walking in the miraculous—seeing blind eyes opened, cancer healed, and lives transformed by the power of God. This same anointing is available to you. If you’re ready to press into God’s healing power and see miracles manifest in your life and ministry, Healing School is your next step.

In this school, you’ll gain revelation and practical teaching that will transform your perspective, ignite your faith, and empower you to minister healing with boldness. 

Jesus declared that healing is part of the believer’s inheritance, and He commissioned us to “lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:18). Healing is not reserved for a few—it’s for every believer. 

I believe the Holy Spirit is raising up a generation of believers who will fearlessly proclaim the Gospel with signs, wonders, and miracles following. 

Will you answer the call? Join me in Healing School, and let’s step into the fullness of God’s healing anointing together.

This school is a good fit for you if:

  • You want to grow in understanding and confidence in God’s will to heal today, equipping yourself with scriptural foundations and Spirit-led strategies to minister healing effectively.

  • You believe in the supernatural power of God and want to be part of a generation that walks in signs, wonders, and miracles, fulfilling Jesus’ commission to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.

  • You are seeking healing in your own body and want to build your faith in God’s promise for divine health through biblical revelation and practical application.

  • You feel called to a healing ministry and desire to operate in boldness, faith, and the anointing to see the sick healed, lives restored, and miracles manifest.

Ready to Get Equipped?

We’ve got options to fit your needs—and your schedule. You can watch everything on demand.

  • Binge Watch

    If you are an appetite that monthly content drops can’t fully satisfy, you can choose to purchase any one of the completed years of the school. You can watch binge watch—and watch them over and over

Course curriculum

  1. YEAR 1

About this course

  • $197.00 / year
  • 13.5 hours of video content
  • 12 Classes

If You Are Still Not Sure, Keep Reading...

  • You're Not Sure You're Called to Heal the Sick

    Healing isn’t just for ministers; it’s for every believer. Jesus commissioned all of us to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. This school will equip you to carry out this part of your inheritance, whether in your family, community, or ministry setting. This is also for you to receive healing!

  • You Have Prayed for Healing Without Results

    Many people struggle with disappointment or doubt after past experiences, whether contending for their own healing or praying for others to be healed. This school addresses those struggles with biblical teaching and practical tools to help you press through and see breakthrough.

  • You Are Afraid of Stepping Out and Trying

    Fear is a common tactic of the enemy to keep believers from stepping into their calling. This school will help you overcome fear with biblical truths and practical teaching. Faith grows as you hear and apply God’s Word. This school will teach you how to build your faith and lean on the Holy Spirit’s power—not your own strength—to see miracles manifest.

Join the Healing School

Step into the fullness of God’s healing anointing.


  • When does the course start?

    The course is available right now for you to watch on demand, any time you choose.

  • How long do I have to watch the lessons?

    If you purchase an individual course or an annual package, the classes are yours to keep. A monthly subscription allows you to watch classes as long as you are subscribed, sort of like Netflix. This model helps us keep the costs affordable for you.

  • Is there a return policy?

    We certainly want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. In order to keep the courses affordable, and because of serious abuses of return policies in the past, we no longer offer refunds.