Know Your Enemy

Satan is a highly strategic spiritual warfare strategist. If we are ignorant of his power structure, his manoeuvres and how to resist him we will live in defeat.


The good news is Scripture offers revelation about his dark kingdom, how it’s organized and how it operates so we discern and defeat every satanic attack.


In my series, Know Your Enemy, I’ll expose hidden satanic paradigms. Class titles include:


Exposing the Enemy’s Greatest Deception

Lucifer's Personality, Plans & Plots

Engaging in Kingdom Warfare

Satanic Princes, Rulers & Powers

The Devil's Deadly Devices & Weaponry 

Demonic Authority, Rights & Other Realities


This course will leave you battle-ready and armed with an understanding of the enemies you face so you can conquer satanic assignments against your life.




Know Your Enemy

Here Are the Class Titles in This Course:

  1. The Enemy's Greatest Deception

  2. Lucifer's Personality, Pride and Plots

  3. Engaging in Kingdom Warfare

  4. Satanic Princes, Rulers & Powers

  5. The Devil's Deadly Schemes and Weaponry

  6. Demonic Authority, Rights and Other Realities

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 5 hours of video content
  • 6 Classes


These classes are ready for you to watch now, as many times as you want.