There was a time in my life when I was facing mountains on all sides. There were so many mountains I couldn’t see the future or the hope God planned for me.
There was a time in my life when I was facing mountains on all sides. There were so many mountains I couldn’t see the future or the hope God planned for me. I had mountains of debt, mountains of sickness, mountains of grief … You name it. Mountains were everywhere and they were overwhelming!
All of us face mountains from time to time. But Jesus said we can speak to those mountains and cast them into the sea—if we don’t doubt (see Matt. 11:23).
In other words, we must stand in faith as we speak to the mountain or the mountain won’t budge. But when we release our faith we can conquer any and every mountain.
Over the years, I’ve conquered every single mountain that stood in the way between me and God’s promises. You can, too!
Would you let me teach how to conquer your mountains?
These classes are ready for you to watch now, as many times as you want.
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